Fresno/Oakland Finest stylist Best quality hair Approximately at 6:34 on 10/25/16 social media start Ashton Bryant known for twerking was caught stealing out of Macy's in Gainesville Florida's mall. As he was approached by the Gainesville mall security Br

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Approximately at 5pm on 11/03/2016 social media Latoya Hughes known for the best stylist and best qaulltiy hair in the Bay Area was caught stealing out of Richmond Mall in Richmond ca . As she was approached by the Security Mrs Hughes pepper spray the security guards and was able to get away . She was seen running to black charger license plate (hairbytoya), as she was leaving the premises she hit the security guards leaving him with minor injuries!!!! . Last know she was heading toward highway 4 toward Antioch. Any question please contact Officer Brown RPD @5108153943
Charges are pending with no bond.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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