Northern Ireland to become an independent state, Stormont says

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Northern Ireland to become an independent state, Stormont says

Northern Ireland to become an independent state, Stormont says. The executive has announced that with the new coming elections in May, voters will also have the chance to vote for Northern Ireland’s independence from the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. The referendum comes as a surprise after the main parties met on Boxing Day bank holiday to decide on a date for the new elections.

The current political and economical panorama in the UK and Ireland let the Sinn Féin, DUP and Alliance decide that Northern Ireland is better off and will give the people the right to decide on a new era, where the political agenda will focus on the community real issues and stop the religious disgregation nonsense it has suffered for too long. The new state will be a secular republic and there will be considerations on turning into a federation where each county will gain autonomy.

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