Climate change is a scam!

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Climate change is a scam!

Have you been told that climate change is a real and a present problem? Well, you've been lied to your entire life. Climate change scientist Dr. Robert Harris has told us the truth. According to to him the combined land and ocean temperature has in fact decreased by 0.12 degrees since 1875! Although he did say some temperature changes in the past centuries have been because of human activity he didn't specify and said that it was almost all natural and is nothing to worry about. "The world has seen temperature changes for ever. I'm not about to convince the public that it is out of the ordinary. Nobody should be spreading fake news and telling lies much like how climate change is human caused and escalating faster that ever! It is not true!" Another study shows that Climate change can't be real because in some places it is getting colder. For example this winter up in the north in Whitehorse Yukon, it was recorded to be the coldest January ever. This therefore proves that climate change is a myth. How can someone be saying that the average global temperature is rising when in fact it is decreasing? Next time you hear of read anything on climate change think about this article and make sure you realized it is all a hoax. Nothing you have every been told about climate change is true or real.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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