Dead Bigfoot Confirmed at Elephant Butte Lake, NM

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ELEPHANT BUTTE LAKE, NM: The dead body of the elusive Sasquatch was recently discovered on a northern shore at Elephant Butte Lake on Wednesday by a camper and his wife. The campers, who wish to remain anonymous, are from Albuquerque, NM and have heard of the reports of recent sightings of the Bigfoot in the Monticello area at Elephant Butte Lake.
The campers described the creature as being between 8 and 8.5 feet tall, and between 600 to 800 pounds in weight Covered with black hair, and possessing broad, muscular shoulders. Slim waist. Long legs. Arms reaching the knees. Ape-like hands (no opposable thumb). Palms and base of feet hairless. Feet very large (18 to 24 inches long) with five toes.
The camper, an avid outdoorsman and hunter, told the Sierra County Sheriff Investigators that "I was skeptical about all the recent stories I heard of Bigfoot here at The Butte, but after actually seeing one in the flesh, it scared the hell out of me!" he admitted.
He did state to this reporter that the creature had a compound fracture of its right leg and cause of death may have been due to infection. We must also report that the remains were removed under tight security by the military to an undisclosed location.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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